General Info: (320) 487-1200

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need Be Licensed to Provide Foster Care?

Yes, you must be licensed to care for children coming into the foster care system.

If I Have a Child Placed in My Home Will the Family Know the Whereabouts of the Child? Will They Have Contact With the Child?

The addresses of foster homes are public knowledge through the Department of Human Services. However, the address of your home is not given to parents of children entering foster care by our agency. Parents will know the name of the family for which the child is placed. There will be scheduled visits and phone contact between the parents and the child. If knowledge of the foster home location would endanger the child or foster family, that placement location will not be disclosed.

As a Foster Care Provider Will I Be Responsible for Medical Bills Accrued by the Child Placed in My Home?

No. The majority of children coming into foster care are on medical assistance or will be covered by private insurance.

Can I Choose the Age Group?

Yes, you are encouraged to request the age, gender, and the type of foster care you wish to provide. You may also choose to work with a specific population (i.e. developmentally disabled, mentally ill, elderly, physically handicapped, teen parents).

What Kind of Experience or Training Do I Have to Have?

Foster families are required to receive 12 hours of training each year. Anyone interested in becoming a foster parent should be open and willing to learn new skills and techniques to enhance their ability to care children coming into their home.

Can a Single Person Be a Foster Parent?

Yes, you can be a single foster parent. You do not have to be married nor have children to be a foster parent.

Do I Have to Own My Own Home to Do Foster Care?

No! You may own or rent a mobile home, apartment, condominium, or single family home. All are acceptable providing they meet safety standards. Some homes will require a fire inspection from the State Fire Marshall or other authorized fire inspector. If you are renting and a fire marshal inspection is required, the landlord will need to sign a form giving the fire marshal permission to complete an inspection.

Do Foster Care Providers Get Paid?

Foster care is not a paid position. You will receive a monthly stipend for a child placed in your home. This money is for the care of the child in your home and for room and board.

Is There a Need in Stevens County for Foster Parents?

Yes, there is a need for foster parents in Stevens County. We are in need of homes for children of all ages but we have noticed it is most difficult to find homes for teens and sibling groups (3+ children in one family).

Can Foster Parents Adopt the Children in Their Care?

The majority of children placed in foster care return home to their parents or they are placed with a relative. In a few cases the Court may terminate an individual’s parental rights for which a child will need a permanent placement. However, the agency is required to seek out relatives to provide for the needs of children needing permanency. If relatives are not found, or in some cases who are not eligible, we will consider all significant adults who have been a part of the child’s life, which we call “near kin”. There are times when we look at foster/adoptive homes when we know an individual’s parental rights could be terminated.

Contact Us

Big Stone County Family Service Center
340 2nd St NW
P.O. Box 338 (mailing)
Ortonville, MN 56278
(320) 839-2555 (No English)
(320) 839-3966 (Fax)


Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Emergency: 911
Farm & Rural Hotline: (833) 600-2670
Crisis Text Line: Text MN to 741741

*Family Services has a locked dropbox available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week which is located outside our building near the front door if you need to drop off paperwork.

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