General Info: (320) 487-1200

Burn Permits

Who needs a burn permit?

County residence need a burn permit when a fire is larger then a 3 feet high and 3 feet in diameter, anytime there is less then 3″ of snow covering the ground and when the fire is not contained in a recreational pit or stove.

Where do I get a burn permit?

Burning permits can be purchased at the Big Stone County Sheriff’s Office, Bobby Jo’s Cafe in Beardsley, Stock Shop in Correll, or Titan Machinery in Graceville. Permits can also be purchased online at the MN DNR website.

How do I activate my burning permit?

By going online to Minnesota DNR website or by calling (866) 533-2876 and following the instructions in the pre-recorded message. After activation, your fire will show up on the DNR website’s map that can be accessed by dispatch, law enforcement and fire departments.

What materials can’t be burned with this permit?

Hazardous waste, solid waste, demolition debris of commercial or institutional structures, motor vehicles, oils, rubber, plastics, chemically treated materials, tires, railroad ties, composite board, drywall, paint and paint filters and other materials described by Minnesota state statute.

What if there is a burning ban?

When activating your permit either on the website or by calling, your burning permit will not be activated and you will not receive a confirmation burning number and a recorded message will advise you of any bans or restrictions.

Contact Us

11 SE 2nd Street, Suite 101
Ortonville, MN 56278
(320) 839-3558


Monday – Friday
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday
8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

*Weekend hours may vary.

Emergency: 911

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