General Info: (320) 487-1200

Becoming a Licensed Foster Family

Completion of training hours is part of the process of becoming a licensed family foster home. This is accomplished through orientation with your licensing worker, DVD, online, and in person. For non-relative applicants, pre-service training must be completed prior to being licensed. Once licensed, each foster parent is required to complete 12 hours of training a year.

Below 2-6 are the mandatory training topics required once licensed. For any online training- if you do not receive a certificate or complete a post test, be sure to document on your training log the name and date you completed the training.

The Following Are Training Topics That Must Be Completed by Each Foster Parent in Order to Become Licensed:

  • 1. Orientation
    Once you have begun the licensing process, you are required to have at least 6 hours of orientation. This is accomplished through meetings with the licensor. During those meetings the licensor will discuss the foster care MN Rule requirements, required paperwork, the process and procedures for children being placed in your home, the county’s expectations of you as a foster parent and family, and information gathering to complete the home study. The licensor will also provide various informational handouts and training resources.

2. Children’s Mental Health & Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
Training on both children’s mental health and FASD is required by statute. Watch the videos below and complete the post tests:

3. Sudden Unexpected Infant Death/Abusive Head Trauma (SUID/AHT)
The Department of Human Services has approved the following series of videos to meet the SUID component when individuals are not receiving face-to-face, classroom, or online SUID training. All videos must be viewed to meet the SUID training requirement.

The Department of Human Services has approved the following series of videos to meet the AHT component when license holders are not receiving face-to-face, classroom, or online AHT training. All videos must be viewed to meet the AHT training requirement.

4. Car Seat Training
The 3 hour child restraint training class is required if you plan to care for children under the age of 9. Contact your licensor for a list of classes available locally.

5. Normalcy, Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standards
The Normalcy, Reasonable, and Prudent Parenting video is a mandated training by DHS for anyone wanting to become a foster parent. Watch the video below and complete the post test.
Normalcy & Reasonable & Prudent Parenting Standard Training
Training instructions & Post test

6. Mandated Reporter Training
Mandated Reporter Training is a self-paced learning module the is designed for individuals identified by law who must make a report if suspected or konwn child maltreatment has occured. 
Mandated Reported Training


Normalcy & Reasonable & Prudent Parenting Standard Training handout

Minnesota’s Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Guidance Sheet

Contact Us

Big Stone County Family Service Center
340 2nd St NW
P.O. Box 338 (mailing)
Ortonville, MN 56278
(320) 839-2555 (No English)
(320) 839-3966 (Fax)


Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Emergency: 911
Farm & Rural Hotline: (833) 600-2670
Crisis Text Line: Text MN to 741741

*Family Services has a locked dropbox available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week which is located outside our building near the front door if you need to drop off paperwork.

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