General Info: (320) 487-1200

Birth and Death Certificates

To obtain certified copies of birth or death records, you must fill out an application, show tangible interest, and provide photo identification (usually a driver’s license or passport). The cost to obtain a birth or death certificate can be found within the application.

If you do not have photo identification, someone who has known you for two years AND has photo identification can provide a Statement to Identify which will enable you to obtain your birth certificate.

You can obtain your birth/death certificate by picking it up in person, mail, fax, or email.

To have a 3rd party pick up a birth/death certificate please complete the appropriate authorization form:

A non-certified copy of your birth record can also be issued at a reduced cost. These are usually requested when not intended for a legal purpose.

Contact Us

20 2nd St. SE
Ortonville, MN 56278
(320) 839-6390


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